Policies and Frameworks
Australian Qualifications Framework

The AQF is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training.
Program for Students with Disabilities

The Program for Students with Disabilities is a targeted supplementary funding program for Victorian government schools.
Victorian Autism Plan

The Victorian Government is developing an autism plan to better support people with autism.
DET School’s Privacy Policy

This policy explains how the Autism Teaching Institute collects and manages personal and health information, consistent with Victorian privacy law.
Useful Websites
Positive Partnerships
An Australian Government initiative to support children and young people on the autism spectrum, as well as their parents, carers, teachers and other education professionals.
Autism Awareness Australia
Organisation that aims to promote Information, Education, Inclusion, Awareness for Australians with ASD and their families.
The Raising Children Network
The Australian parenting website: comprehensive, practical, expert child health and parenting information and activities covering children aged 0-15 years.
Autism Victoria, trading as Amaze, is a member-based not-for-profit organisation and is the peak body for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in the state of Victoria.
The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) is responsible for the regulation of education and training providers and qualifications in Victoria from home schooling to higher education.